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Our CEO Sami has been invited to attend the offline AI exhibition in Hefei, Anhui.

Jan 17, 2025

On the way back from a 2 days long AI exhibition in Hefei, Anhui; Sami(Jinayon CEO) is invited by one of the organisers. The exhibition —"AI Unleashed, Together with PASSION" —is certainly going to be a melting pot, event where innovation and know how on AI can happen.

Sami is really excited to get into this offline event, and he will be able to interact with the top players in the circle of AI industry. As experts from multiple points within the tech landscape prepare their thoughts, experiences and ideas for the AI future. The event will include various A.I. inspired talks, workshops and round table discussions with an aim to highlight the most recent developments as well as future applications of this technology.

Sami is not just getting to learn from the best, but also sharing the knowledge he has earned and ideas. He is eager to fellow similar minded souls and generate new thoughts in order to form connections that move past something clever into a breakthrough project. The vibe at the exhibition is said to be electric, a high charge of camaraderie and a common goal of working AI to its limits.

It is a clear example to how crucial AI has become in our world today and the cooperation of the community is showing signs of growing in order to collectively use its advantages against us. It is a place where no boundaries of knowledge exists and then every action may light the way to an intelligent and omnipresent future.